Call for Performers – Make Music Day

City of SeaTac
Application deadline: 5/1/2024

The City of SeaTac and their Arts, Culture and Library Advisory Committee (ACLAC) invites performers to apply for SeaTac’s Third Annual Make Music Day on May 18, 11 AM – 3 PM. The purpose of the event is to celebrate musicians and artists!

ACLAC will be reserving space on stage for selected local artists to perform. We also encourage people to bring an instrument and find a corner of the park to play and let others enjoy the music.
• Each selected stage performer will be given up to 30 minutes to perform and 5 minutes to
clear stage for next performance.
• Various genres of music are encouraged.
• Family Friendly Music Required
• Minimal sound support. Limited microphone and plug ins.

Click here for the application to apply. Applications will be accepted until May 1, and applicants will be informed of selections and schedule by Friday, May 8.
