Whether you walk through a pioneer cabin, climb aboard a caboose and play in a one-room school, the award-winning White River Valley Museum presents history in a fun and involving way. Permanent exhibits focus on the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe, pioneer life, immigration from Europe and Japan, truck farming, railroading and the building of towns throughout the area. Temporary exhibits change three times a year, family fun programs are offered throughout the year, and slide shows on railroading history hold train buffs entranced! The White River Valley Museum also manages the historic Mary Olson Farm. Museum open hours are noon-4 PM, Wednesday through Sunday, and the first Thursday of every month, 6-8 PM. Free admission the first Thursday and third Sunday of every month.
- Rachael McAlister, Director
- Auburn Community Campus in Les Gove Park – 918 H St SE; Auburn WA 98002
- 253-288-7433
- rmcalister@auburnwa.gov
- www.wrvmuseum.org